Sunday, September 27, 2015

Fourth Week Check-In: Sexy Dreams

The week's been kind of slow due to continued computer-related injuries, but I've added a few new autotiles (ported over from an abandoned project) and begun work on the narration for the opening sequence, where the player will define their character's physical characteristics over the course of a lurid dream.  Here's a sample for you:

At last they draw close enough to touch, and reach out toward you with splayed fingers.  Cool, smooth skin brushes your chest, and you feel a tingle, but you're suddenly uncertain what it is that they're touching.  Your body, it seems, has become as mutable as theirs - one moment you have supple, round breasts, the next, your chest is perfectly flat and smooth.
Though their touch is still pleasurable, if you're going to enjoy them properly, you need to remember what you look like.  How, exactly, is your chest shaped?
 When this is fully implemented, there will be three chest options (though only one will affect the player sprite's appearance), as well as a second branch where you can choose your genitals.

Speaking of which, now seems like a good time to explain how genitals will work in House of Carnal Mysteries.

At the start of the game, you choose between two different sets: either a clit and pussy, or a cock and balls.  You can modify which parts you have as the game progresses, with some limitations: you may only have a clit or cock, and a pussy or balls.  This isn't a gameplay limitation; it's for anatomical accuracy, which I realize is not fun for everyone, but in my game we won't have any of that weird nonsense where penises are somehow not the same basic thing as clits.

Anatomical accuracy is going to be a fairly major goal in this game.  Obviously, it won't be 100% realistic since we have silly transformations going on, but I plan on making sure to the best of my ability that testicles, hymens, and so forth work like they do IRL.  I realize this isn't a big deal for some folks, but with all the silly/inaccurate games already out there, I figured it'd be nice to have one that incorporates those details.  There'll also be optional differences in the bits - like whether one's breasts are large or small, and whether one is circumcised or not - that will allow for greater variance in sexual encounters and hopefully make the experience more immersive for our players.

These features will be available from the first playable build, which - as the astute will have noted - is going to mean that it will take longer to get to playable, and slow down the release of new scenes.  However, experience has taught me that it's better to take extra time to implement this stuff from the get-go than to make a bunch of content and have to modify it all later.  *cough*Web design*cough*

1 comment:

  1. Well. I just discovered this, and it sounds good. Browsing through your updates, thought I would comment here. Its definitely the details that make the difference, so I am glad you are focusing on those. And even a choice to be uncircumcised! Yes! As someone with a foreskin fetish, I find next to zero games that even mention it. The only exception being one transformation in TiTS. So, go forth! Make your glorious erotic game!
